Cantabile 3 has finally been launched! Over two years in the making I’m finally unleashing it on the world!

If you’ve been following Cantabile 3’s development and especially if you’ve been running the preview builds of Cantabile 3 that were made available to existing customers there will be no real surprises with this first officially launched build of Cantabile 3.
This is a fairly soft launch and the main changes over the previous preview builds is that the new licensing system is now in place and you can finally actually buy it.
Related to the new licensing system, is a new Cantabile User Portal where you can purchase upgrades to existing licenses, view your licenses and create offline license activations.
What’s New?
There’s a good summary of Cantabile 3 here.
Getting Started
You can download Cantabile 3 here.
If you’re a first time user of Cantabile you’ll be prompted to enter a name and an email address after which you’ll be emailed a license key. Existing customers should have already received a license key. In both cases the license key will let you run Cantabile 3 Lite and 30-day trial versions of Solo and Performer.
Purchasing an Upgrade
If you’d like to purchase an upgrade from Cantabile 2 to Cantabile 3, from Cantabile’s Help menu, choose “Cantabile User Portal”. You’ll be prompted to setup a password after which you can simply click on your v2 license and you’ll see an upgrade link.
After the purchase, you can go back to Cantabile and from the Help menu choose Change License — your new license should appear automatically.
Get in Touch
If you’ve got questions or encounter any issues, please get in touch.