Helping Musicians Give Their Best Performance
As a performing stage musician you have some very specific demands of the software that runs your rig. You know that rock solid stability, flexibility and tools to simplify you job on stage are critical.
You also know that nailing your performance is extremely rewarding. When done right it creates an exciting experience for you and your fans.
Here at Cantabile we help musicians give their best performance at every show.
What We Make

Cantabile is a music workstation with a fanatical focus on live performance - software that understands the unique demands of the stage musician.
Our software is unapologetically opinionated in the features it provides - features that have been carefully selected and meticulously designed based on feedback from a engaged group of customers who use it week in and week out.
Cantabile isn't perfect (what software is?) but we're dedicated to it, we're improving it every day and it's the best way we know to perform live.
Our Community
Just about everything in Cantabile is based on customer feedback so it would be remiss not to mention our loyal base of engaged users.
Whether it be discussions on the forum, comments and voting on Trello, direct email converstaions or the overwhelming responses to requests for feedback, the community of users behind Cantabile is critically important - and we don't take this for granted.
Who We Are

I'm Brad the founder, designer and developer of Cantabile.
Cantabile started as a side project for my own piano playing way back in 2006. After working for years in the finance industry I came to realise my efforts were only helping the rich get richer. I'm honoured to now be building software that helps musicians make music.
I'm strongly pro-science, support equal opportunity, human and animal rights and believe in the power of music to foster understanding and bring people together. Hobbies include computers, electronics, music and muscle cars (here's mine).
Brad Robinson
Sydney, Australia