Preset Models
Cantabile has three models for managing a plugin's presets. By selecting the appropriate preset model for a plugin you can balance preset switching speed and manage plugins that don't have a built in preset system.
The selected preset model determines how a plugin's settings change when switching presets via Cantabile's preset selectors. This applies to the preset selector at the top of the plugin editor window, the preset selector in the plugin slot on the main window and the various bindings that work with presets.
When you open Canabile's preset picker the current preset model is shown at the bottom of the popup:

Clicking the "Change" button lets you change the preset model for that plugin instance:

Note that changing the preset model when the current model is "Entire Bank Snapshots" or "Parameter Sets" will clear the current preset bank and can't be undone except by reloading the song or rack.
Choosing a Preset Model
The follow explains the different preset models and why you might choose to use one model over another.
Use Plugin's Programs
Some plugins have a built-in set of presets (aka "programs") that they make available to the host. Selecting this preset model leaves all preset management to the plugin itself.
This is the default preset model if the plugin indicates that it has more that 1 preset available for selection.
Note that some plugins have a comprehensive built-in preset system but don't make it accessible to the host program. For these plugins if you need Cantabile control over preset management you should choose one of the other preset models.
Entire Plugin Snapshots
In this preset model Cantabile creates a bank of 128 simulated presets and each preset stores a snapshot of the entire plugin state.
This is the default preset model for plugins that indicate they only have one preset available.
If the plugin has its own internal preset bank, then each Cantabile preset will store a copy of the entire internal bank.
This preset model is the most flexible in that each preset stores an entire copy of the plugin's state however for slow loading plugins switching between presets can be slow. This preset model was formally referred to as "Pseudo Presets".
Parameter Sets
This preset model creates a simulated bank of 128 presets where each preset only stores the values of the plugin's exported parameters.
Parameter Sets are a lightweight preset model. They are usually very fast to switch between (because they only tweak the plugin's parameters) however not all plugin settings are necessarily controllable through parameters.
This preset model is usually used with audio effects and modelled synths and may be less useful for sampled instruments.
MIDI Program Change Handling
When a plugin receives a MIDI program change you can have the plugin respond in one of two ways:
- Select a preset matching the program change number
- Forward the program change to the plugin (handling will depend on the plugin)
Use the drop down at the bottom of the preset model window to change this behaviour.
Changing the Base Program
When you've selected the "Entire Plugin Snapshots" or the "Parameter Sets" preset model, you might like to load one of the underlying presets exported by the plugin.
To support this, the plugin editor has an additional preset selector drop down button just to the right of the main preset selector.

Selecting a preset from this drop down loads the selected preset into the current "Entire Bank Snapshot" or "Parameter Set" preset and optionally sets the preset name to match that of the plugin preset.